Full Face

The full face waxing service consists of hair being removed from your eyebrows, lip, cheeks, sideburns, chin, and nose. The entire hair follicle is removed when being waxed out and results in a much smoother feel than shaving. Waxing is also a natural exfoliant which helps keep dead skin cells at bay.

Neck Wax Back

What is a neck wax?
Getting your neck waxed (front or back) can be beneficial to both men and women. Women will get their neck waxed because they like a cleaner look when their hair is pulled up or due to having darker body hair. Sometimes this hair is hormonal or hereditary which results in stubborn course hairs which can be frustrating.

Full Arms with Underarms

Does full arm waxing include underarm?
A full arm wax will include everything from your shoulder downwards, including hands and fingers if required. For those who hate shaving, the underarm wax gets rid of all the hair in your armpits.

Only Underarms

Totally remove underarm hair: Waxing will totally remove your underarm hair, pulling it out by the root. This is something that shaving is unable to do as well as there may still be some small hairs remaining in the armpit depending on the type of blade you use. Waxing removes the hair, shaving just cuts it shorter.

Full Leg Wax

A full leg wax commonly comprises hair removal from the top of thighs to the base of the ankles (front and back). A half leg wax typically eliminates hair from either just above the knees to the ankles, or from the thighs to above the knees (front and back).

Half Leg

A half leg wax removes hair from just above the knee all the way down to the toes if desired. By removing hair all the way to the top of the upper thigh, this is the perfect solution for leg baring summer attire and for women who want luxurious, smooth feeling skin from the top of the leg down.

Full Body

A full body wax will alternate between soft waxes and hard waxes according to the treated area and the amount of hair to remove per section. The treatment usually starts by waxing the intimate area and the bikini section, to continue with the arms, legs and back. Some plans also include facial waxes.

Bikni Wax

Bikini waxing is the removal of pubic hair using a special wax, which can be hot or cold, that adheres to hairs and pulls them out when the wax is removed quickly from the skin, usually with a cloth strip. While the practice is mainly associated with women, male waxing is sometimes done to remove men’s pubic hair.

Nose Wax

What is called nose Wax?
Yeah, we’re talking about boogers. To understand what boogers are, you need to know about mucus (say: MYOO-kus). Mucus is the sticky, slimy stuff that’s made inside your nose, airways, and even your digestive tract. If you’re like lot of kids, you have another name for nose mucus: snot.

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