Hair Spa with impule ( Depend on Length)
What is a hair spa treatment?
What is Hair Spa? Like any other spa treatment, a hair spa is a rejuvenating hair treatment with its own unique benefits. It relaxes you almost immediately, and leaves your hair looking lustrous and feeling soft. Hair spa treatments also help reduce the effects of pollution, dirt and sun, while strengthening your hair.

Loreal Hair Spa with impule
Which Loreal hair spa is best?
Best Loreal Hair Spa Products In India
L’oreal Detoxifying Clay. …
L’oreal Professionel Hydrating Concentrate. …
L’oreal Professionnel Purifying Concentrate. …
L’Oreal Hair Spa Smoothing Cream Bath. …
L’Oreal Professional Shine and Curl Hair Masque. …
L’Oreal Professionnel X-Tenso Moisturizer Intense Smoothing Masque.

Wella Spa
Ombre highlights is simply another way to call an Ombre hair coloring style. Ombre hair color styles start as dark roots fading into a lighter shade towards the ends of the hair. Ombre is a hair color technique where the ends of the hair are going be affected.
Ombré is also a french word and means “to shade.” Ombré describes a dip-dye effect in which the hair seamlessly graduates from darkest to light. While the roots stay dark, the hair slowly lightens down the length of the strands until it hits the lightest, most highlighted point at the ends of the hair.

Schwarzkopf Spa
Balayage is a French word which means to “sweep” or to “paint.” It involves the hairstylist doing a free-hand painting of your hair with bleach to lighten the hair towards the ends. Once hair is lightened, the stylists colour the bleached portions with whatever shade of balayage you want, be it brown, dark blonde, auburn, or any other.

Mythic Hair Spa
Hair highlighting/lowlighting is changing a person’s hair color, using lightener or haircolor to lift the level or brightness of hair strands. There are four basic types of highlights: foil highlights, hair painting, frosting, and chunking. Wikipedia