10 year’s of experiences 1974 – 2021
Mr Ramesh Kumar Nagi came to Amritsar in 1964 and joined cousin brother salon from where he learned as well as worked over there. But, due to some personal issues with him he moved back to his Village with no money in their hands.
Meanwhile, he met one of his friends and share his problems from where he got some idea and try to open a new setup. With the help of his friends and relatives he returned to Amritsar again and opened his first setup in Pawan Nagar in 1974 named as NAGI SALON.
It was a time when Ramesh Kumar Nagi set up his first salon in hair industry and during that period he faces so many obstacles specially in first 10 days not even a single client came to his salon for any service, that time he was very upset.
He was also very good technician, like once his hair dryer stop working and he took that dryer to the shop keeper for repair but due to lack of money he went back to home and borrow new hair dryer and compare both the dryers together and fix the old dryer by himself.
He experienced a lot of difficulties in his life. Later on in 2001, he handed over his legacy to his son Mr. Tilak Raj Nagi.
This time Mr. Tilak Raj Nagi begun to run Nagi brand. With the help of his father and support of his brother, he proved his talent and did hard work which made his first salon a sensation in that era.
Meanwhile, in 2001 he took his legacy from his father. His big brother trusts him and decided to open a new salon for Mr. Tilak Raj Nagi. But his father denied to open the new salon as his father said that, Raj Nagi was not mature enough for handling such big platform independently.
So, his big brother took responsibility on the behalf of Raj Nagi and opened new salon in Pawan Nagar in 2001. Mr Raj Nagi worked so hard and give lots of efforts. In 4 years, he proved himself that he is capable enough for handling such responsibilities independently.
In 2004 he opened one more branch at Rani ka Bagh for boys. So, he shifted to the second branch. Again, he did lot of hard work and made a thousand of clients and until now it going well.
In 2006, he opened a 3rd branch at Kannedy Avenue. He handover the 2nd salons to his cousin brother and to shifted to Kannedy Avenue as well as here he also works so hard and made a lot of clients. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Nagi are so impressive and hardworking.
In Finance Mr. Mohanlal Nagi is very strong as he always worked as finance minister.
In 2009, he opened a 4th branch in Kashmir Avenue with that he also opened academy. Now, Nagi Salon is converted into NAGI UNISEX SALON AND ACADEMY.
He made a lot of success as well as he learnt new thing and got a lot of experience. He was so expert in his work that if anyone ask him any question, he could answer it. In 2016, he had a turning point where he had to go to Singapore and where he learnt lots of new techniques.
He came back with his new technique and learnings. In 2019 again he opened a new branch for boys at RANI KA BAGH.
He handover the salon to his family friend. In 2021, the nagi family fulfilled their dream by opening a great platform named as NAGI UNISEX SALON AND ACADEMY.
One after other milestone, today Nagi salon has 5 branches in Amritsar and plethora of clients and with the blessings of almighty all Nagi setups are running successfully.