Aroma Magic Basic
Is Aroma Magic a good brand?
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Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic is an Indian brand and it does not use any harmful or harsh chemicals in its products. I have combination skin and I love this product. My skin is acne free thanks to this product. It’s texture is similar to Himalaya Neem face wash, but results are better than that.

O3 + Whiting Treatment
O3+ Whitening Facial Kit (5 x 50 g)
The O3+ Whitening Kit suitable for normal to dry skin comprises of Whitening Cleansing Foam, Whitening Tonic, Whitening Serum, Whitening Cream and Whitening Mask.

Acne Treatment
What does acne treatment mean?
Acne results from plugged hair follicles. Oil, dirt, and dead skin cells on the surface of your skin clog your pores and create pimples or small, localized infections. Treatments work to clear away bacteria and dry up the excess oils that lead to acne.

Blemish Treatment
A blemish is any type of mark, spot, discoloration, or flaw that appears on the skin. Blemishes on the face may be unsightly and emotionally upsetting, but most are benign and not life-threatening. Some blemishes, however, can signal skin cancer.

Anti ageing Treatment
Ageing skin is often characterised by dullness, sagging and wrinkled skin. New skin bioremodelling procedures are a remarkable way of giving a mature and ageing skin a new lease of life. They use a hyaluronic acid-based skin procedure that works to galvanize the skin’s ability to generate collagen and elastin – the two scaffolding proteins critical to skin’s firmness and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic substance found naturally in the skin, whose presence is critical to the health of the skin’s extracellular matrix and its ability to hold on to moisture. As we age, our skin loses its natural reserves of hyaluronic acid resulting in dull, dry and lax skin.